27 June 2013

petite striped playsuit

Bonjour darlings, Are you excited because of the beginning of summer?!
Unfortunately (but grateful) I have decided that this year my summer won't be lazy. This summer Yours Truly has become waitress that is collecting money to turn her dreams into reality. Therefore my summer would be devoted to the job, but I also hope that between cappuccino and cafe latte I will find some spare time to keep you updated with all pretty things we share here on misslikey. Since this summer I am in my hometown which is on the coast, I hope also that I will have enough time for my little garden and lazy moments on the beach. Also I hope to have pretty sunsets spent in my vintage striped playsuit that I bought this spring at a charity shop. Paired with my new brown bicycle and flowers, I hope to have many lovely moments of liberty in this pretty little romper. I also dream about barefoot walks in the sand and some kissing in the moonlights. 
What are your wishes for this summer? 
Are you spending it working our you will be just lazy and lovely? 

Yours Truly, misslikey


abby @ teawiththemoon said...

Sounds exciting - even working! There is something about saving up for your dream <3 I'm curious what it is, but know it will be good coming from you :) I hope it all works out. I am freshening up on my office skills so that I will hopefully be working too and probably having lots of tea in the quiet early mornings.

Laila said...

What a sweet sweet post!! Sounds like a lovely summer plan to me, hope you enjoy waitressing XX

Valerie EnrĂ­quez said...

Gorgeous tulips, playsuit and even those rifle paper co cards! Living on the coast is wonderful for those little impromptu beach runs to break up the work weeks. Summer is going to be grand! It will be half lazy and half working for me. Good luck on your new job! xx

Letitia E. said...

Good for you doll! Hope it brings you lots of adventures!

Louise said...

Your summer sounds better than mine, but that's because you're next to the beach, haha! I'm working too, but I think it's great. Good luck on your waitressing, and do enjoy you free time to the fullest!!

Fleur said...

wow it has been so long since I last visited your blog! but I'm happy it still got its wonderful atmosphere! I love the cute playsuit, it really is the perfect outfit for summer!

Fleur said...

it has been a while since I last visited your blog, I'm happy its wonderful atmosphere hasn't changed a bit! this playsuit looks so cute! it really is the perfect outfit for summer <3

Katie Frank said...

i don't really like suummmerr </3 :(
