Storing of the winter clothes can sometimes become a problem. Many of us, from all of those clothes even don’t know to distinguish what is summer or winter item. Certainly that are lot of items that you cannot wear in the heat, like coats or wool sweaters, so of course there is need to store them and make a room for summer and some transitional items. Surely is that the cardigans and not so thick jackets could serve in the chilly summer evenings. And when all the summer sandals install on the shelves, get the bag where you will put some of the winter\fall footwear you can wear in summer, and keep it available. Many of us this year will keep oxfords in the summer wardrobe, but if you have suede boots don’t forget to keep them close.

Probably you won’t wear them in the middle of the day if it’s too hot, but for the summer nights or festivals they can be perfect details with many summer items. Suede boots and little white summer dress is already a classic. Same classic Phillip Lim used to present resort collection so suede boots except with dresses were also paired with jumpsuits and 70s inspired cropped bell-bottoms. Flat suede boots are also favorite footwear item for actress and our new fashion darling Isabel Lucas. She wears them on everything; from white or floral dresses to shorts. And Isabel, she is definitely doing the right thing.
YES, I wear boots too even though I live in the tropics, this is a great post, chock full of great and wonderful tips, love love, jemina, xoxo
I'm so fond of the whole look, and I'm dying to get some fringe boots. :D
nice post!
join my first GIVEAWAY...!!!
you've got a great blog, keep it up!
i'll be back for sure to see more inspiration from you
loving it all, thanks for sharing
and thanks for your sweet comments, it means the world
hi,tks 4 the visit!!
fashion is a mix ,we can use things that we thing its more appropriate to summer in winter..
I need more white dresses.
Love Grace.
suede boots are defifnetly on my shopping list!
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